Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

ERC Generator

T. Rey has been awarded an ERC Generator grant (116 545 euros) from I-SITE Université Lille - Nord Europe for his project MANAKINEQO (R-ERCGEN-19-007-REY). In the next two years, T. Rey aims at investigating mathematical properties, as well as developing efficient numerical schemes, for multiscale collisional kinetic equations of the Boltzmann type. A 20-months post-doc will be funded using this grant, as well as an international conference. Following this ERC Generator grant, T. Rey will apply for an ERC Consolidator grant.

Actions of Technological Development (ADT)

S. Lemaire is the PI of the ADT project ParaSkel++ , which is one of the funded ADT of the Inria Lille - Nord Europe 2019 campaign. The aim of the project is to develop an optimized C++ platform for the arbitrary-order numerical approximation of PDEs by skeletal methods on general 2D/3D meshes, with a particular emphasis on the implementation of HPC facilities. L. Beaude has been hired as a development engineer for this project. She will start in February 2020.

In the same vein, T. Rey is part of the ADT project SIMPAPH led by the MEPHYSTO-POST team, that has as well been funded as a result of the Inria Lille - Nord Europe 2019 campaign. The aim is to develop robust numerical methods to solve large systems of stochastic differential equations describing (among others) particles in an optic fiber, schools of fish, or microscopic particles. The expected code will attempt to solve these multiscale problems using different approaches, and to be versatile enough to act as an industrial benchmark. A. Roget has been hired as a development engineer for this project.